Join Erika Gimbel and David Kersten at noon on Tuesday Aug. 31st for the Ripple Effect Live to discuss how to improve your physical, mental and spiritual health during COVID-19.
In this episode, we welcome fitness training experts Jesse Schmidt and Liam Bauer from Truth Not Trends, better known as TNT, who will throw down the gauntlet on how to get fit during COVID-19. TNT website: To view the live stream of the Broadcast “like” or follow David Kersten’s Wide Angle Media. Link: See you then.
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In this broadcast, co-hosts Cory Nott and I discuss our goals and plans for the future of the Quantum Leap Podcast as well as key business development strategies under COVID-19.
Cory and I agree that the weekly podcast, now eight episodes in, is “going well” and we appreciate how the podcast provides a unique voice and perspective from small business owners who are “more like us” and not necessarily “wildly successful,” particularly during the COIVD-19 environment. The podcast, inspired in part by Ivan Misner’s BNI podcast, intends to “flatten the communication strategy,” and communicate directly with small business owners and entrepreneurs to provide practical insights about how to survive and thrive during the COVID-19 economic environment. Through interviews with our guests the podcast tells anecdotal stories of what is working and what is not working during COVID-19, and how small business owners have often had to “pivot” their businesses during the COVID environment to be successful. For example, most business owners report that marketing strategies under COVID are “totally different.” Business development and business development strategies continue to be the “wheelhouse of the broadcast,” but it is interesting to hear both the successes and challenges and/or failures as well. Cory discusses the synergy between the Quantum Leap Podcast and the Lift platform for entrepreneurs created by him and his wife Gail Nott. Link to Lift: (Note: Open enrollment plans to open up on Sept. 23rd) Cory notes that a quantum leap can commonly only come from working with a business coach or coaches, and sometimes a small leap can seem like a quantum leap for someone who is stuck. I discuss how a quantum leap for some might be a 30% increase in sales over 2 years or becoming a multi-millionaire for others. “Remember it takes no more effort to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty,” states Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, which David cited as the “bible” of business development. We discuss how there will be more Quantum Leap-branded blog content on how to grow your business during COVID-19. Cory states that it “starts with vision,” noting that people who are commonly stuck don’t have a “big enough” or “compelling enough” vision. And such entrepreneurs commonly need to look at “going bigger” or “going deeper” in their vision, particularly now during COVID-19. Cory discusses the important of BNI, referral marketing and the building of relationship during COVID-19—stating that “relationships are more important now than ever,” in the time of COVID-19. Cory and I invite you to visit our BNI Chapter, called the “Abundant Referral Circle,” here in North Oakland. To come as our visitor simply email me at [email protected] or fill out the brief online questionnaire at the following link: I reference the inspiring story of Ashley Shoemaker, a photographer, marketing expert, and BNI Chapter Director Consultant, who started a BNI Chapter a few months before COVID-19 hit and the chapter has almost entirely met online during COVID-19. Keep an eye out for Ashley’s success story when Quantum Leap begins broadcasting live on Tuesday October 6th at 1pm. To find out more about Ashley and her growing one-stop shop marketing business please visit: Cory Nott, Gail Nott, and I are also offering a combined business and video coaching package designed to help small business owners and entrepreneurs generate a “quantum leap” in their business, even during COVID-19. Contact Cory Nott, Gail Nott, and/or myself to see if the three-tiered “Quantum Leap” business and video/podcast marketing coaching package might be the right fit for you to help you generate your quantum leap. I can be reached at [email protected] or phone (510) 725-7658. Cory Nott can be reached at [email protected] and Gail Nott can be reached at [email protected] . Keep an eye out for next week’s Quantum Leap Podcast where Cory and I interview my business coach Pradnya Leitner, regarding the mechanics of how to generate a quantum leap for your business based on her world-class coaching methods and proven success formula. Check out Pradnya’s recent interview on the Ripple Effect Live that aired on Tuesday August 25th, link: . ### In this interview, Cory Nott and I interview the renowned video producer Stuart Sweetow who is known around the Bay Area for producing high-quality video products for corporations and small businesses.
Stu shares his insights on video production during COVID-19 and reviews a few recent examples of his work that would be of interest to any organization in the East Bay or beyond who is looking to make a bigger impact in the digital arena. His company, Audio Visual Consultants, specializes in live video streaming, video production, digital editing and archiving. Stu is also a published author and literally wrote the book on corporate video production, having published a seminal work in the field titled “Corporate Video Production: Beyond the Board Room (And Out of the Bored Room),” 2nd Edition. Based on my own experience, I have found that many businesses struggle with video because they do not know enough about the medium to know what they really need. This is an area where I believe Stu really excels and demonstrates true mastery in the field of video production—the ability to both conceptualize and produce video products that accomplish the clients’ goals. For corporations and small businesses looking at increasing their digital footprint, video is essential, and the place to start is to work with someone like Stu who has mastered the medium and can guide them on the journey. I have learned a lot from watching Stu and viewing his work, and am grateful to have him as a valued colleague and collaborator in the exciting field of video production. To get in touch with Stu you can visit his website at the following link: Or give Stu a call at (510) 839-2020. ### In this timely and insightful interview, co-hosts David Kersten and Cory Nott interview East Bay video producer Clifton Barnes, Jr. to get his insights and tips for how to produce effective video during COVID-19.
Clifton, who owns CA&C Video Productions, is a second generation video producer. Clifton’s dad, Clifton Barnes, Sr., started the company in 1985. We believe in “preserving history,” Clifton said, “because history is important.” Clifton can convert old VHS tapes to digital and offers an array of other high-quality video production services including live streaming, client testimonials, event video such as weddings, and corporate videos and other business seminars. Link to full slate of services: Clifton, who is an excellent video spokesperson himself, presented on a number of key tips for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Clifton’s recommendations include: --Use video on your social media platforms, because they are free. --Show the “human aspect” of your business, by using “behind the scenes” video that can even be shot on your I-phone. This helps “remove the veil,” and attracts people to you and your business by showing the human aspect of your business, and demonstrates your credibility and knowledge in your field. --Provide video testimonials from clients that you served to show the “passion” of your clients about how you help them solve their problem. These are very useful for social media to share on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and You Tube, based on your target market. --Learn “Zoom etiquette” for effective video, which means having good lighting, a “level camera” and good audio. Quantum Leap Podcast, co-host David Kersten, also presented some key tips on effectively using video in the COVID-19 environment. David suggested that listeners tune into Lousie Goeckel’s Quantum Leap podcast for valuable insights on the COVID-19 business environment. Link to that podcast: David noted that the word “crisis” in Chinese is written with two brush stokes—one brush stroke denoting “danger” and the other for “opportunity.” “Among other things crisis represents opportunities to grow in wisdom. When you approach each crisis with this attitude, you will pluck the opportunity out of each situation and benefit from it. This attitude also sets the stage mentally for you to continue to grow,” states a quote from former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, that David read on air. In short, this crisis helped sow the seeds for the success of the “Quantum Leap” podcast and accompanying video marketing program, David said. David said the crisis has limited in-person video production, but concluded that 80% of production can be produced remotely through Zoom and other platforms. Perhaps most importantly, the COVID-19 crisis has dramatically increased demand and the need for video and online digital products and services, as well as creating a fertile market for business development and pointing up the need for new, innovative communications strategies. David went on to take a quick look at some key video solutions that he offers for small business during COVID-19 including: 1. Setting up and operating a Podcast (audio/video) 2. Setting up and operating a Vlog (video blog) 3.Quick tips video series to promote your business 4.Video package for website (i.e. flagship video, about video, testimonials, starter package) 5.Mini-Documentary or “Biopic” on you and your business 6.Docuseries (i.e. the The Ripple Effect 2020) Podcast co-host Cory Nott provided some interesting insights on the use of video, noting that the most common way in which people learn is “visually” and that even if you are not as big a fan of video, most of your clients are so it needs to be taken seriously. Cory suggested that small business owners start with “your why,” because “people buy why you do what you do.” It is important to tell people why you do the things you do, and this will attract more people to you and your business. Cory specializes in helping people use “their why” to attract clients. Check out his website at and innovative platform for freelancers and entrepreneurs called “Lift” at: Video producer Clifton Barnes Jr. can be reached at (209) 877-7636 and [email protected] . Clifton’s website is Video marketer and podcast co-host David Kersten can be reached at (510) 725-7658 or at [email protected] and his website is . Please feel free to contact us to see how we may be able to be helpful to you and your business or organization during these challenging times. ### If your business is closed due to COVID-19 and located in the San Francisco Bay Area, we want to hear from you.
As part of the Quantum Leap Podcast and Ripple Effect Podcast, we are reaching out to business owners in the Bay Area who have been forced to close during COVID-19. Link to Quantum Leap Podcast: The intent is to understand your story and use this information to find out why your business is closed and when it can potentially reopen. If you don’t know when you can reopen, that’s fine too. We are particularly interested in any information you have gotten from local or state governments regarding why your business has been forced to close and when you can reopen. Please send me an email at [email protected] and include a bit about your personal story, type of business, business classification, as well as your email and phone number. Join top business coach Cory Nott and I live on Tuesday August 18th at 1pm for a special edition of the Quantum Leap Podcast.
Cory and I will be discussing the dynamic and exciting future of the Quantum Leap Podcast and business development strategies in the COVID-19 economy. See you then. Zoom Login (Passcode: DKWAM510) By David Kersten, Creator of Quantum Leap
In this interview Cory Nott and I interview banking and finance expert Cheryl McCarthy who shares her insights on the mortgage industry and why reverse mortgage options are a critical lifeline for many homeowners during the time of COVID-19. We discuss the impacts that COVID-19 has had on Cheryl’s professional life, how she has adapted and what it means going forward. Cheryl is a reverse mortgage advisor for Mutual of Omaha Mortgage. Cheryl provides a series of key insights on emerging trends in the economy and society and what they mean for the mortgage industry as well as the residential and commercial real estate markets. Such insights include: --Why reverse mortgages represent a critical lifeline of support for many homeowners, particularly Seniors, during COVID-19. --A drop in the inventory of homes for sale during COVID-19 has created a seller’s market and an increase in sales prices in the Bay Area particularly Alameda, Contra Costa and San Jose counties. --Large banks have “frozen” access to home equity and refinances and a number of them are not accepting new applications. Increased qualifications for jumbo RM’s, both of which have slowed refinances despite record low interest rates. --A steep increase in divorces, which leads to housing changes, and a need for reverse mortgages. Cheryl states that people should consider a reverse mortgage during these times due to the following reasons:
Thanks to Cheryl for your participation in the broadcast and all your important and useful insights. To get in touch with Cheryl to discuss these trends and potential solutions, she welcomes you to contact her: Cheryl’s Phone: (510) 507-5616 Website: Email: [email protected] To find out more about the Quantum Leap Podcast and access previous episodes click here. ### Join Cory Nott and I on Tuesday August 11 at 1pm for a Quantum Leap Podcast double feature.
This week we will hear from videographer Stu Sweetow who will discuss video options for small business and corporations and Phil Bennett who will discuss international travel and African safari tours in the time of COVID-19. Stu Sweetow Website: Phil Bennett Website: Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 5230095876, password: DKWAM510) See you then. Quantum Leap 2020: How can you generate a “Quantum Leap” for you and your business or career?8/4/2020 By David Kersten
The “Quantum Leap” in my life and career came last May 2019 when I joined a local chapter of BNI. It was really about the philosophy of BNI and the people I met that have literally catapulted my business from lacking direction to being on the fast-track to major success. Tomorrow at 7:30am in a virtual Zoom meeting, I am presenting to my BNI colleagues on the difference that BNI has made in my life and how to generate your “Quantum Leap” in your business and your life. I will also be discussing the origins of the “Quantum Leap” podcast and video marketing program, our “The Ripple Effect” show, and what makes compelling video among other things. I welcome to you join me and my business colleagues tomorrow to hear more about how BNI could help you generate your “Quantum Leap.” Feel free to email me ([email protected]) and I can register you or you can self-register at this link . (just put down that you are my "guest" and let me know if you have any questions) Please join me tomorrow at my meeting to hear more about the difference BNI has made in my life and how it could help do the same for you or your friends and family. Do you have what it takes to take a “Quantum Leap”? Come find out tomorrow at 7:30am. Quantum Leap Podcast Episode#4: “Small Business Marketing Success During COVID-19 w/ Lisa Cain PhD.”8/2/2020 By David Kersten
In this timely and insightful interview, Berkeley-based marketing expert Lisa Cain PhD discusses how small businesses can achieve successful marketing results during COVID-19. Lisa Cain is an innovative small business marketing guru with a stellar track record that demonstrates proven success in small business marketing. She gives regular workshops and trainings in the East Bay Area and has a wealth of resources on her website (see links below). Co-host Cory Nott and I ask Lisa about many of the challenges created by COVID-19 and what it means for marketing for small business now and going forward in this post-COVID-19 business climate and economy. Cory and I, as well as several members of the audience ask pointed questions to drill down on key issues such as social media advertising, event promotion, what marketing platforms to use, and how to most effectively reach your target market. Lisa demonstrates her wealth of knowledge and insights by handling these key questions with ease and readily sharing insights that entrepreneurs and small business owners can pick up and use right away to help better promote their businesses and ultimately improve their bottom lines. Thanks for joining us Lisa to share your insights on these key issues that can make or break small businesses during these challenging times. We look forward to keeping the ongoing dialogue open and sharing your future insights, workshops and trainings. Link to Lisa’s website: Direct Link to Lisa’s Recommended Books referenced in podcast: Direct Link to Lisa’s Courses on Key Marketing Issues for Small Businesses: ### |
David Kersten, AuthorDavid is a specialist in multimedia campaign development and production. Archives
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